Flood Update: Christmas Closure


Good Morning Cosmites!
Cosmo Leeds Boar Lane would like to wish you a happy December 1st – unfortunately we have some bad news to deliver.

Following the recent flood to our restaurant, we have been notified that the damage is too extensive to re-open before Christmas. This means we will be repairing the damage caused and looking to re-open in the New Year.

This is where we need your help!
Do you have a booking over Christmas, or know anyone who does? If so, we would very much appreciate if you could call us on 0113 246 55 55 and help us to get through talking to all of those who had bookings with us.

Thank you in advance, and again we apologise for this bad news we regret to bring you.

We wish you a Happy Christmas period and will continue to post throughout.

Disaster Zone at COSMO!


Hi Cosmites,

Unfortunately we have bad news today. This morning there was a water pipe burst in the Trinity Centre which resulted in our restaurant being flooded. Due to the water damage we are unable to open, although we are unable to say how long for.

If anyone has a booking for the next few weeks, we will be ringing you to explain what happens next within the week.

Apologies for the inconvenience. We will keep you updated as we get to know more.

Dim Sum Very Tasty Treats!


Did you know…

Dim Sum (點心), literally meaning to touch the heart, was once the traditional food of travellers needing a place to rest along the ancient Silk Road, a busy trade route in China.

The unique cuisine usually uses beef, pork, chicken, prawn and vegetarian options; and come served as:

Dumplings, or Gao – ingredients wrapped in a translucent rice flour or wheat starch skin.

Baozi – fluffy, baked or steamed buns with a filling

In addition to the above that we serve at COSMO, there are more types of Dim Sum, such as Crispy Fried Squid, Lotus Leaf Rice (served in parcels), Steamed Meatballs, Phoenix Claws (deep fried, boiled and marinated chicken feet – now that’s an interesting one! Think we’ll give it a miss!), and Rolls including Spring Rolls and Rice Noodle Rolls.

Fancy a go?
Here is a recipe and Here is a video of a pro showing you how it’s done!

And The Winner Is…..


Following our question about our Live Cooking Stations yesterday, we are happy to announce that the Pasta Station was the winner!

You can expect to see some speciality ingredients featured there this weekend, as well as the Italian chefs performing some unusual tricks and giving a little more entertainment than usual!

Thanks for your feedback,Cosmites! 🙂

Playing with Fire at our Live Cooking Stations!


Our teppanyaki chefs are pushing the boundaries this weekend as they sample a new method of live cooking entertainment.
We’ve been looking into different ways of performing whilst we cook your food in front of you – something that catches the attention of not only everyone in the buffet area, but some of those sat down too!

We are always open to suggestions so we wanted to ask your opinion…
Which Live Cooking Station would you like to see more from this weekend?

Teppanyaki / The Grill / Pizzeria / Carvery / Pasta Station

Welcome to our new COSMO Leeds Blog!


We’re finally up and running! This blog will have updates of what’s going on at COSMO Leeds Boar Lane: what’s new and exciting, what offers we have running and provide a link between us and you  – our faithful fans!

So what do you think? Get yourselves down here and join in the fun!